Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Organized Occult Churches

Recently I have become aware that fundamentalist churches are rising up that are based of deceptive practices and teaching occults to their disciples. All occults and secret societies which bear symbols like those below are dark occults using persuasive language to make people think they are good.
Practices of these types of organization involve a belief system that is based on fundamental Luciferian and Satanism.  Spiritualist use means such as "self will" and creating illusions as part of manifestations. They publish they believe in God using it as a general term but they actually worship gods. Actually meaning lesser gods, demi-gods or understood by clergy as demons. 

Our young people who are not well versed in the scripture principles will find it very difficult to break free from the bondage of lies. Once and individual has been accepted into such organizations they will become advanced in tarot cards, channeling, speaking to disembodied spirits and become victimized by demonic attack, This destabilizes our  world because of the insanity of the demons and will lead people to do satanic ritual human sacrifices, they type of afflicted people will be more likely to join ISIS or cause pedophillia behaviors in our society. These people will become possessed by these demonic spirits and will not be themselves. Many will end up in mental institutions with Schizophrenia and require intense medical treatments and medications. 

Their illusion is "Love" and claim they come with the same love that GOD himself  has for us. Illusions of GOD himself will be part of the multitude of images that will be implanted into an afflicted persons consciousness. Alien interactions, and relationships. Clearly deep psychological penetrations accompanied by intensely evil illusions and abuses.

This must be halted in our society; many are deep into reverse accusations against churches especially Catholic Churches because they are Apostolic and are experts in Spiritual Warfares. 

Many of these occult organization hide  as mystic organizations; Hermetic Golden Dawn, Spirit Sciences, Rosicrucians. These organizations must be investigated if they come forth in society outside of the already established religious practices known today. 

A council of Judges must be established to determine and examine those whom are clever and deceptive with words in order to deceive.  Its time to stand us against this and stop the victimization of the good people of this nation. Getting our political officials and governments involved is a must. 

This video from Cindy Trimm clearly covers all of the effects that occults do including dream penetration.


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