Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dendera Temple of Hathor ~ Conscious Rising

There is much speculation regarding the hieroglyphs depicting the Lotus Flower Bulbs with the image of a Serpent. These hieroglyphs are found in the lower level halls in the Temple of Hathor. To place emphasis on the imagery used, notice that there are three hieroglyphs that represent a procession. The first shows the serpent in the lotus flower with 3 waves in the serpent’s body, and then they progress to four waves and finally five waves. I’d like to suggest these represent the conscious evolution of mankind to the spiritual. Each hieroglyph points upwards, but not only to represent the cosmos but also to the upper roof temple of Hathor.
3 Waves

4 Waves

5 Waves

 In the roof temple of Hathor at Dendera we find the circular Dendera zodiac. This is actually an alter in the Queens room and the celestial zodiac is on the ceiling. The significance of this Zodiac is that it actually shows a 13th zodiac sign, a lion that appears to be in posture representing triumph or successful passage.   
1 Aries
2 Taurus
3 Gemini
4 Cancer
5 Leo
6 Virgo
7 Libra
8 Scorpio
9 Sagittarius
10 Capricorn
11 Aquarius
12 Pisces

13 Lion

Lion 5

 Lion 13

I think the connection between these symbols clearly represent a time when mankind will achieve a high consciousness or Egypt’s prophecy about the great shift, essentially a much clearer picture than even the Mayan prophecy.

Special thanks to Kamullah, my spirit guide for all the valuable information he shares with us all! Love you Kamullah <3