Lets visit some basic information that has been published
about Rogue Planets and theories associated with this new awareness of the
cosmos. On May 18, 2011 and article was published from David Bennett from the
University of Notre Dame.
“The study is described in a paper appearing
in the May 19th issue of the journal Nature.The discovery stems from an analysis of observations of the central bulge of the Milky Way galaxy taken in 2006 and 2007 by a joint Japan-New Zealand survey. This analysis provides evidence of what appear to be 10 free-floating planets roughly the mass of Jupiter. Bennett explains the likely origin of these isolated planets, "Our results suggest that planetary systems often become unstable, with planets being kicked out from their places of birth by close encounters with other planets".
This discovery not only confirms that free-floating planets exist in space, but also indicates that they are quite common. Free-floating planets are very hard to detect, so the fact that the survey found up to 10 implies that there are many more that are not detected. The team of scientists that made the discovery estimates that there are about twice as many free-floating Jupiter-mass planets as stars. This implies that free-floating planets are likely to be least as common as planets, like ours, that orbit stars.”
You can read the full article here;
So, this theory writes about the possibility of Rogue
Planets however, I must add to this. There are several possibilities that lead
to rouge planets. The other
possibilities are that a nova or supernova can eject planets that don’t get
consumed by the explosion. Also, other forces can cause a planet to not longer
experience gravitational influence of their central sun, meteor impacts or
simply drastic changes in the magnetic polarities.
In this, many new possibilities are formed, multiple
scenarios can lead to rogue planets. So, lets us paint a picture of one
possibility that just does not escape my mind.
Let say there is a solar system, which is host to life much
like earth. And let’s say that this planet for whatever reason was no longer in
the gravitational influence of its central star and became a rouge planet. The life which existed has now expired,
unable to survive deep space without light, no longer capable of creating an
atmosphere. And let say that intelligent life lived there and created
technologies, structures and sciences of spiritual awareness. This host planet
already possessed the keys to harbor life.
Now let’s review the
concept that life itself has a process of evolution repeats or recycles. Not
only in a spiritual sense but also a physical sense. Species replicate specific
identical parallels of DNA structures between other species. This link suggests experimental
studies and allows researchers to control the
branching pattern of genetic lineages and monitor their response to selection,
parallel genotypic adaptation can be assessed in non-experimental systems as
well. One approach is to use phylogenetic methods
to infer the evolutionary history of the organisms of interest. This phylogeny can then be used to
reconstruct the historical sequence of mutational changes in a nucleotide or protein sequence
with known function. The advantage of this approach is that it can be applied to virtually any
organism; thus, parallel evolution can be studied across vast taxonomic
distances and in organisms that
are not amenable to experimental manipulation.
Now, let’s review some of the archaeological truths we have
discovered on earth itself. Ancient remnants of man on Earth. “Forbidden Archeology” some would say
“Atlantis” in their thoughts at this very moment, but let’s venture outside of
that box.
Suppose our planet
Earth once existed in another solar system, also with life and intelligent
life. Say that some of the archaeological evidence we are finding today was left
by an ancient civilization during the Earths existence in a different solar system.
Let review some of the fossilized evidence.
Most compelling is the Coso Artefact;
During 1961 three rock collectors; Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and Mike Mikesell were hunting for geodes near the town of Olancha in the state of California, USA, when they discovered a potential specimen that would stimulate more than five decades of controversy.
While cutting through the geode they discovered that instead of the normal cluster of crystals they expected to find they discovered a white ceramic cylinder that had a central iron core that was surrounded by an accretion of rust coloured stone.
During 1961 three rock collectors; Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and Mike Mikesell were hunting for geodes near the town of Olancha in the state of California, USA, when they discovered a potential specimen that would stimulate more than five decades of controversy.
While cutting through the geode they discovered that instead of the normal cluster of crystals they expected to find they discovered a white ceramic cylinder that had a central iron core that was surrounded by an accretion of rust coloured stone.
A faint hexagonal discolouring of the surrounding
material could also be made out with the naked eye. According to Ms. Maxey the
artifact was examined by an experienced geologist who stated that material
surrounding the cylinder was at least 500,000 years old. X-rays of the Coso
Artifact revealed further metal components that several independent experts
have identified as parts of a 1920’s spark plug or something similar. If the
item is a genuine “Out of Place Artifact” then it throws our understanding of
history into total disarray. Today the Coso Artifact has been largely
discredited for three reasons. Firstly, iron objects that are exposed to rain
and the correct type of sandy soil or clay can quite quickly build a concretion
of rust that appears very much like sandstone. Secondly, the artifact has
disappeared. It may still be in the possession of one of the surviving
discoverers but according to various sources they are no longer prepared to
discuss the matter. Thirdly, the identity of the geologist who dated the Coso
Artifact has never been revealed. We’ve only included this item in our list
because of the persistent interest in the discovery and the ongoing conspiracy
theory that the Item was confiscated by the US Government and a gagging order
placed on those that found it. (Not very likely)
Most controversial are the footprints found in Texas where
both human and prehistoric fossilized prints are found together. You can read
more about this here; http://www.dinosaurc14ages.com/footprints.htm
Then let’s consider Mars itself . . . current missions are
underway to determine if life was once on Mars, or still could be. So we have a glimpse of the reality that life
could have existed on another planet within our very own solar system.
I also believe Mars could have been a rouge planet and evidence
of a past civilization could very well be there deep under the sands. We know that
there are strong winds on the surface and that like the dunes on the beaches,
can have many secrets buried beneath it.
I believe that both Earth and Mars billions of years ago could have been
part of another solar system, and became caught in the orbit of our existing
sun. I believe that there is ancient evidence from this time period in archeology
and that somehow, existence or evolution restarted on Earth. When I speak of
evolution, I speak of plants, animals and marine life. Mankind is and has always been starseeds . . .
So indeed this makes our planet even more rare and beautiful
before and what are the odds that a planet can find its way to another solar
system, find an orbit with the exact right conditions to harbor life again? A
million to one . . . but is it possible,
you bet. Look at these two maps of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Earths location. Earth is on an outer “ARM” of the spiral and the realization that a rouge planet could be pulled into the vortex is not a big stretch.
You See? Thanks!
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