Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What will happen in 2012?

Some of you may know or not know but I am able to channel directly with my Spirit Guide and Guardian Angels. I have strong physic abilities as my genetic heritage is both Celtic and Native American Indian which gives me strong penal gland activities. My Spirit Guide was in his last life an Egyptian who passed away around 61AD at the age of 12 from a fever. He studied the YOD force during his lifetime here and apparently has been my Spirit Guide before this life. He manifested himself before me when I was 17 years old but I was afraid of the apparition and did not understand it all yet. I saw his eyes as clear as day, as if I were looking into your eyes. Now at this point in my life all the pieces of the puzzle fit and I know he is my greatest friend and helper and I embrace him as such. We made a deal, to always be each others guide and asked GOD to always put us into a way of life that embraces that knowledge so we can communicate.

My Guardian Angel was from Babylon and perished in the religious wars around 31BC. He is different but is a very strong and reliable soul. I can depend on him in the most amazing ways. He is not a man of many words but nonetheless, is strong in character.

So now I have introduced you to my information sources, so when I was asked “What will happen in 2012” my response was guided from these to amazing beings . . .my friends, my pals.

In brief, this is what I am being told will happen;

As I understand it, it is the beginning of a "spiritual cleansing". Conflict and destruction is part of the necessary changes and natural catastrophes are part of the earth cleansing. Goodly people (GOD loving people of all religious paths) will be gathered up and Ascend, Evil will be destroyed or blotted out and the "Elect" will remain to begin the New Age, New World. The populous will shift to a higher conscious and be more Telepathic energy beings.

Children will age to 30 (prime age), those who are older will regain their youth to 30 years of age and those who are 30 at the time of the transition will remain. Relationships are currently shifting and couples who are supposed to be together are being drawn together. Reincarnated souls are presently here, those apostles of old during the last conscious shift in Jesus’ time. Other enlighten beings are amongst us again in preparation for this major shift.

After this shift, we will live and age as the Atlanteans did. Maturing to 1000 years of age. As those in the Book of Moses lived to be 100’s of years of age. Back to a state of “Garden of Eden” and there will be no pain in child birth, no tears. All beings will be pure in thought, no cunning, no manipulation, and no aggression. We will live in perfect form of God Consciousness.

There is much more of course but for now, this is in brief of how my belief in this topic has unfolded.

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